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2 records for Aphrophora saratogensis Vance County

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Aphrophora saratogensisSaratoga Spittlebug85402014-09-17Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf1grassy/brushy/pine habitat; brown/reddish varietyNutbushKELAfound during the day while sweepnetting02_Sight
Aphrophora saratogensisSaratoga Spittlebug85402013-08-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf1grassy, field type habitat along forest edge. According to Vinton Thompson, "It appears to be a color variation of Aphrophora saratogensis - the morphology and the habitat match. If you come across a whole population of such individuals it would be worth investigating a little further, but it is probably an instance of individual variation."Nutt Bush at Kerr Lake SPKELAfound during the day, caught while sweepnettingpines01_Photo
grassy, field type habitat along forest edge. According to Vinton Thompson, "It appears to be a color variation of Aphrophora saratogensis - the morphology and the habitat match. If you come across a whole population of such individuals it would be worth investigating a little further, but it is probably an instance of individual variation."

grassy, field type habitat along forest edge. According to Vinton Thompson, "It appears to be a color variation of Aphrophora saratogensis - the morphology and the habitat match. If you come across a whole population of such individuals it would be worth investigating a little further, but it is probably an instance of individual variation."

grassy, field type habitat along forest edge. According to Vinton Thompson, "It appears to be a color variation of Aphrophora saratogensis - the morphology and the habitat match. If you come across a whole population of such individuals it would be worth investigating a little further, but it is probably an instance of individual variation."