Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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4 records for Megamelus ungulatus Mecklenburg County

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Megamelus ungulatus144602023-08-28 Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area. Davidson - Lake Davidson area01_Photo
Caught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area.

Caught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area.

Caught sweeping in a wet, weedy retention area.
Megamelus ungulatus144602021-12-01Ken Kneidel5Adult3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basinProvidence Road, Charlotte01_Photo
3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basin

3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basin

3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basin

3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basin

3.4 mm, caught in a sweep through a weedy detention basin
Megamelus ungulatus144602019-07-08Ken Kneidel1Adultsweep through marshy retention basinRandolph Middle School, 4400 Water Oak Rd, Charlotte01_Photo
sweep through marshy retention basin

sweep through marshy retention basin

sweep through marshy retention basin
Megamelus ungulatus144602017-12-03 Ken KneidelseveralAdultabout 8 collected along with about 8 Stenocranus dorsalis while doing a stationary sweep in a very wet area in a retention depression for 5 minutes - unid_leafhopperRandolph Middle School, 4400 Water Oak Rd, Charlottemid-afternoon01_Photo
about 8 collected along with about 8 Stenocranus dorsalis while doing a stationary sweep in a very wet area in a retention depression for 5 minutes - unid_leafhopper