Taper-tailed Darner by Kyle Kittelberger  »  Wake, 2017-04-10, Raleigh, near Falls Lake State Recreation Area - male, flew into me at 8:25 pm, presumably coming in to my "zapperless" bug zapper light

Taper-tailed Darner by Kyle Kittelberger  »  Wake, 2017-04-10, Raleigh, near Falls Lake State Recreation Area - male, flew into me at 8:25 pm, presumably coming in to my "zapperless" bug zapper light

Taper-tailed Darner by Kyle Kittelberger  »  Wake, 2017-04-10, Raleigh, near Falls Lake State Recreation Area - male, flew into me at 8:25 pm, presumably coming in to my "zapperless" bug zapper light

Taper-tailed Darner by Kyle Kittelberger  »  Wake, 2017-04-10, Raleigh, near Falls Lake State Recreation Area - male, flew into me at 8:25 pm, presumably coming in to my "zapperless" bug zapper light