Riverine Clubtail by Steve Hall and Harry LeGrand  »  Bertie, 2012-06-06, Roanoke River Wetlands Game Lands, Woods Island Tract - teneral, all seen close to the ground

Riverine Clubtail by Steve Hall and Harry LeGrand  »  Bertie, 2012-06-06, Roanoke River Wetlands Game Land, Woods Island Tract - teneral, all seen close to the ground

Riverine Clubtail by Steve Hall and Harry LeGrand  »  Bertie, 2012-06-06, Roanoke River Wetlands Game Land, Woods Island Tract - teneral, all seen close to the ground

Riverine Clubtail by Steve Hall and Harry LeGrand  »  Bertie, 2012-06-06, Roanoke River Wetlands Game Land, Woods Island Tract - teneral, all seen close to the ground