Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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6 records for Eupteryx decemnotata Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382022-06-27 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382022-06-15 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382022-06-09 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382021-06-14 1AdultCharlotteday04_iNaturalist
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382021-05-16Ken Kneidel1Adult2.7 mm male came to UV light at night 424 Bertonley Avenue, Charlotte01_Photo
2.7 mm male came to UV light at night

2.7 mm male came to UV light at night

2.7 mm male came to UV light at night
Eupteryx decemnotataLigurian Leafhopper165382020-04-07Rob Van Epps1Attracted to UV light. Yard near woods.Davidson, NC back yard.01_Photo
Attracted to UV light. Yard near woods.

Attracted to UV light. Yard near woods.

Attracted to UV light. Yard near woods.