Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Microcentrus perditus Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Microcentrus perditus151452022-01-12Ken Kneidel1Adultmale stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak, active between mid December when the band was put up and 1/12LaTrobe Drive, Charlotte01_Photo
male stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak, active between mid December when the band was put up and 1/12

male stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak, active between mid December when the band was put up and 1/12
Microcentrus perditus151452021-01-23Ken Kneidel1Adultdead male stuck on a tree band on Willow OakOlde Whitehall, Charlotte01_Photo
dead male stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak

dead male stuck on a tree band on Willow Oak
Microcentrus perditus151452020-02-02Ken Kneidel1Adultfound stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree bandGreen Ridge Drive, Charlotte01_Photo
found stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band

found stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band

found stuck in Tanglefoot on a tree band