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6 records for Flavoclypeus andromedus Vance County

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Flavoclypeus andromedus144292014-09-17Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf4grassy/ brushy/ pine habitatNutbushKELAfound during the day while sweepnetting02_Sight
Flavoclypeus andromedus144292013-09-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahnxmixed hardwood forest, open forest, grassy patches; both short-winged and long-winged individualsSatterwhite PointKELAfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting01_Photo
mixed hardwood forest, open forest, grassy patches; both short-winged and long-winged individuals

mixed hardwood forest, open forest, grassy patches; both short-winged and long-winged individuals
Flavoclypeus andromedus144292013-09-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahnxgrassy/brushy areas near pine treesNutbushKELAfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting02_Sight
Flavoclypeus andromedus144292013-08-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf SeveralCaught SweepingKerr Lake1533 PM 01_Photo
Caught Sweeping
Flavoclypeus andromedus144292013-08-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf3Field/forest edge habitatKerr Lake State Park, at Nutt BushKELAFound during the day while sweepnetting01_Photo
Field/forest edge habitat

Field/forest edge habitat

Field/forest edge habitat

Field/forest edge habitat

Field/forest edge habitat
Flavoclypeus andromedus144292013-08-05Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf1fieldy, forest edge habitat. From Charles Bartlett: " I would say it is most likely to be a pale (female) Delphacodes andromeda. While the species usually has a dark vertex and face (above the clypeus), I have specimens that are quite pale."Kerr Lake State Park, at Nutt BushKELAfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting01_Photo
fieldy, forest edge habitat