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10 records for Polyamia weedi Warren County

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Polyamia weedi143222013-11-10Paul Scharf 6Caught SweepingLake Gaston0900-1100 AM02_Sight
Polyamia weedi143222013-11-10Paul Scharf 1Caught SweepingLake Gaston1141 AM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping; note sharp head
Polyamia weedi143222013-11-03Paul Scharf 8Caught SweepingLake Gaston0900-1100 AM02_Sight
Polyamia weedi143222013-10-08Paul Scharf1Lake Gaston03_BugGuide
Polyamia weedi143222013-10-05Paul Scharf1Lake Gaston03_BugGuide
Polyamia weedi143222013-10-01Paul Scharf 6Caught SweepingLake Gaston0900 AM-1200 PM02_Sight
Polyamia weedi143222013-09-23Paul Scharf CommonCaught Sweeping in cut short grassLake Gaston0900-1130 AM02_Sight
Polyamia weedi143222013-08-31Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf1mixed hardwood, open forest near lake edgeHubquarter, at Lake Gastonfound at night, attracted with a light01_Photo
mixed hardwood, open forest near lake edge
Polyamia weedi143222013-08-13Paul Scharf SeveralFairly Common while sweeping short cut grassLake Gaston1148 AM01_Photo
Fairly Common while sweeping short cut grass

Fairly Common while sweeping short cut grass
Polyamia weedi143222013-08-10Paul ScharfSeveralCaught SweepingLake Gaston1143 AM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping