Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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6 records for Menosoma cinctum Mecklenburg County

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Menosoma cinctum132152022-07-02 Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV light at night424 Bertonley Avew01_Photo
came to UV light at night
Menosoma cinctum132152021-09-21Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
came to UV light at night
Menosoma cinctum132152021-08-27Rob Van Epps1AdultAttracted to UV light. Suburban yard near woods.Davidson01_Photo
Attracted to UV light. Suburban yard near woods.
Menosoma cinctum132152019-07-25Rob Van Epps1Attracted to UV light. Greenway in wooded area.West Branch Rocky River GreenwayNight. 01_Photo
Attracted to UV light. Greenway in wooded area.

Attracted to UV light. Greenway in wooded area.
Menosoma cinctum132152019-06-21Ken Kneidel1Adult5.9 mm female424 Bertonley Ave, CharlotteCFL porch light at night01_Photo
5.9 mm female

5.9 mm female

5.9 mm female
Menosoma cinctum132152017-07-22Rob Van EppsAttracted to black light. West Branch Nature Preserve01_Photo
Attracted to black light.